Thursday, November 27, 2014

New Story Promo - God Eater Ragnarok

A promo to my new story on Crunchyroll. Check it out.~


A long, long time ago, when gods ruled the lands.....

I pledge myself to thee.

There was one who dared defy them.

Take my soul and burn my mind.

A lone warrior. His home, his family, his loved ones....all claimed by the cruel gods.

Consume my flesh and drink my blood.

He who chose to forsake his humanity and lash out at those who would took everything from him .

All I ask of thee.....

The God Eater.....

Devour everything.......



God Eater Ragnarok 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Things that Dance in the Night

I was walking back from a late class to my dorm, and saw a man do a backflip in the air not too far in front of me.

Well, okay.

I kept on walking, closer to my dorm now. There is a parking lot I had to walk through, with a fence taller than a person over to the left. The acrobatic fellow climbed up it, and started walking on it like it was a tight rope.


I stood there and watched him for a few moments, and he kept moving forward without falling.

Weird things happen at night. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Japan's New Recession, and Why I'm Happy About It

So, Japan has now hit it's fifth recession in the past fifteen years, or so I found out earlier today.

This is a good thing for us. With business becoming tighter for companies in Japan, they will seek for new profit opportunities across the sea that before they would refuse. The need for profit in a time of recession will force them to open up to trading with foreigners, which will mean an increase in visual novels, games, anime, manga, light novels....ect. being imported to the West.

I'll go get the champagne!

Phersu, you say, isn't that a bad thing to be happy about?

Well, it's not like me complaining or feeling bad about it will help. Might as well enjoy the silver lining. Plus, you know you felt a little jump of joy when you heard about it. A little voice in the back of your heads saying, 'My favorite series might be translated!'

I'm just honest about my little voice.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Phersu's Language Fluency List

English - Fluent
Tsundere - Fluent
Yandere - Native
Japanese - Basic
Kuudere - Basic
Dandere - Fluent
Eldritch/Cthulhu - Native
Nonsense/Gibberish - Fluent

Gender Roles in Society, Or Why Men Don't Talk in the Bathroom

We have numerous gender roles in society that we unwittingly conform to or believe in, such as what is acceptable and unacceptable for men and women to do that is fine for the other gender. One thing is how we behave in bathrooms.

Women tend to socialize in bathrooms, conversing with friends and including others in the conversation should they just so happen to be visiting said bathroom at the same time.

Men treat the bathroom like a minefield. You go in, do your business, and go out. If you are talking with a friend on the way to the bathroom, all conversation stops once you hit the door. All eye contact stops. You do not even look at each other. You don't stand next to each other at the stall. One stall must be left empty in between. If you go to a stall next to an already occupied gets awkward.

Really awkward.

Why, I wonder? Any ideas?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why Are People Funny When Angered?

So, I made someone mad at me online a few days ago, and they were all....

'You blew your last chance. I'm blocking you.'

And I was all....


It was pretty funny, and a little confusing, as they never told me about any last chances or even told me they disliked my behavior/posts/general awesomeness before. So it came totally out of the field no-one expects things to come from. Was it to the right?

Anyways, I chuckled a little bit and then felt something deeply disturbing in my very soul.......I had drank a lot of water and really had to pee. So I did. Then all was well with the world and I continued being awesome.*

*Like a boss.

Breaking Free

So, I injured my mask the other day.

Yeah....I need to fix that before something bad happens like-ooh. I don't feel so well. Uuhhh......blegh....

-Unsavory sound effects.-

Shoot. I need a new mask.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Response to the 'Men' Of No-Shave November

You call me out for shaving, to which I say you can do just fine since you can't grow facial hair in the first place. But, since I can....I get to shave all year long, whenever I want.

That's what being a man means. Getting to shave whenever you want. Regardless of November. It's a stupid month anyways. Just a placeholder for Thanksgiving between October and December. We should just combine them.
